Episode 4

What's Down the Road for Fleet and Special Operations


August 29th, 2022

42 mins

Season 1

Your Host

About this Episode

If you want to be in the know on what's ahead for Fleet and Special Operations, you won't want to miss Episode Four of the SMFR Podcast. Join Fleet Manager John Frank and Special Operations Chief Scott Richardson as they gear up for new apparatus ahead and talk through the process and timeline for ordering everything from front line units to specialty apparatus and potentially electric vehicles in between.

Episode 4 Topics & Time Codes:

1:26 - John Frank talks through apparatus ordering process
5:16 - Apparatus replacement plan (5-10 years out)
10:18 - Where units go when they are no longer needed at SMFR
11:48 - Keeping up with the needs of our growing organization and district
16:31- Chief Richardson Introduction
17:00 - Tiller details - background, timeline & approval
21:09 - Plan and reasoning for tiller location consideration
23:04 - ARFF apparatus updates
25:11 - Plan for Regional ARFF Training Center
26:03 - HazMat38, Dive Team resources, MedCat, Wildland Type III and VIs
29:58 - Current Focus for Special Ops
31:30 - Impact of Fuel Costs
32:37 - Electric vehicle consideration options
36:18 - Employee and resource hiring/retention in Fleet and Special Ops
39:16 - Fun Fact
41:19 - Closing