SMFR Podcast

About the show

The South Metro Fire Rescue Podcast platform offers a new way to increase communication within our organization on a variety of topics related to current events, questions and announcements for SMFR employees.

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  • Important Updates on Assessment Centers, Packets and Testing

    October 11th, 2024  |  Season 2  |  18 mins 6 secs

    This podcast shares important updates on assessment centers, promotional packets and testing for SMFR Personnel. Guests include Division Chief of Human Performance & Optimization Andy Powell, Battalion Chief of Training Jeremy Bartell and EMS Training Battalion Chief Glen Maxson.

  • Episode 10: Recent Special Session, HB24B-1001 Legislation & Budget Impacts

    September 26th, 2024  |  Season 2  |  12 mins 16 secs
    around the kitchen table, around the kitchen table podcast, fire service, south metro, south metro fire, south metro fire rescue

    South Metro Fire Rescue discusses the recent Special Session, House Bill 24B-1001 Legislation and its impacts on budget planning. Guests include Fire Chief Bob Baker, Chief Government Affairs Officer Mike Dell’Orfano, Lobbyist Camille Driver & Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Corbo.

  • A Conversation with SMFR's Deputy Chiefs

    May 28th, 2024  |  Season 2  |  40 mins 31 secs

    In this episode South Metro's three Deputy Chiefs, Chief Matt Weller, Chief Kristin Eckmann and Chief John Curtis, sit down to talk about current initiatives at SMFR and action plans moving forward. Those initiatives include collective bargaining, the new fire chief process, and results of the culture survey.

  • SMFR Finance and Budget Process

    May 2nd, 2024  |  Season 2  |  30 mins 16 secs
    around the kitchen table, around the kitchen table podcast, fire service, south metro, south metro fire, south metro fire rescue, standard operating guidelines

    In this episode, we dive into the budget process, including strategy, timeline, process and how the political landscape plays a role in the process. We discuss how we got to where we are today, and where we are going in the future.

  • STEM Five Years Later

    May 2nd, 2024  |  Season 2  |  34 mins 2 secs
    around the kitchen table, emergency services, fire department, firehouse, firehouse talk, kitchen table talk, smfr, smfr podcast, south metro fire rescue, stem, stem school

    We are looking back at a devastating incident that occurred in our fire district 5 years ago. On May 7th 2019, the STEM School Shooting forever impacted the community we serve and the South Metro individuals who were involved in the response. Today, we are reflecting on the events that occurred that day, but also discussing what has changed in our organization and training model since then to prepare for the future.

  • SOG Revison Project & Rollout

    October 5th, 2023  |  Season 2  |  28 mins 12 secs
    around the kitchen table, fire department, fire service, fireground operations, firehouse, firehouse talk, kitchen table talk, smfr, smfr podcast, south metro fire, south metro fire rescue, standard operating guidelines

    After several unifications over the years and combining many different forms of fire department operations, episode four of South Metro's Around the Kitchen Table Podcast focuses on the project to revise, revamp and rollout updated versions of SMFR's Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) with safety at the forefront. In this 30 minute episode, you will hear from Division Chief of Operations Jeff Tasker, Battalion Chief of Administration Mike Burke and Deputy Chief of Emergency Services John Curtis.

  • Let's Talk Bunker Gear & First Due Fires

    June 7th, 2023  |  Season 2  |  1 hr 13 mins
    around the kitchen table, bunker gear, fire department, fire service pfas, firehouse, firehouse talk, kitchen table talk, pfas, single layer bunker gear, smfr, smfr podcast, south metro fire rescue

    We're taking the national conversation about Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) local on episode three of South Metro’s Around the Kitchen Table Podcast. You'll also hear some tailboard talk about first due fires in Station 21s district. This episode features insight from A shift Lieutenant Nick Bjork and C shift Firefighter Paramedic Meghan Pudliner, both operating out of Station 21, along with Deputy Chief of Emergency Services John Curtis.

  • The Three DCs - Consistency across A, B and C shifts

    February 17th, 2023  |  Season 2  |  37 mins 30 secs
    around the kitchen table, fire department, firehouse, firehouse talk, kitchen table talk, smfr, smfr podcast, south metro fire rescue

    Listen in to episode two of South Metro’s newest podcast season Around the Kitchen Table as District Chiefs Jake Mayhew, Scott Sarver and Dave Mueller talk about where their focus is for 2023 and what goals are ahead.

  • Around the Kitchen Table Podcast Launch

    January 12th, 2023  |  Season 2  |  33 mins 2 secs
    around the kitchen table, fire department, firehouse, firehouse talk, kitchen table talk, smfr, smfr podcast, south metro fire rescue

    It is a common saying in the fire service that the world’s problems can be solved around the kitchen table. Whether that be a tool for teaching, sharing lessons learned, diving down “what if” rabbit holes or just gathering to share a meal and getting to know those around you. With this new podcast season, we want to bring the kitchen table talk of South Metro to you as we navigate through key topics, rumors to truths along with projects and initiatives going on in our organization and specifically in Emergency Services.

  • Episode 6: What's Next? - Finance, Facilities & Capital Improvement Projects

    December 14th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  43 mins 37 secs
    fire department, smfr, smfr podcast, south metro fire rescue

    Our organization has grown a lot over the years. In order to stay up to date with that change and growth, we are always looking towards ways we can improve and keep up with the demands of our fire department. SMFR Communications is excited to bring you our latest podcast episode focused on multiple important areas of our organization – Finance, Facilities and Capital Improvement Projects.

  • Episode 5: Organizational Restructuring - 3 Deputy Chief Model

    October 13th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 8 mins
    fire department, smfr, smfr podcast, south metro fire rescue

    In recent months, South Metro has experienced a lot of change with an organizational restructuring of our fire department and the introduction of a three deputy chief model. This has been on everyone’s minds and that's why Episode 5 of the SMFR Podcast is focused on the vision and direction of this new model. Tune in to hear Episode 5 featuring SMFR's Fire Chief, Chief Baker, along with our three deputy chiefs – John Curtis, Jon Adams and Kristin Eckmann.

  • Episode 4: What's Down the Road for Fleet and Special Operations

    August 29th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  42 mins

    If you want to be in the know on what's ahead for Fleet and Special Operations, you won't want to miss Episode Four of the SMFR Podcast. Join Fleet Manager John Frank and Special Operations Chief Scott Richardson as they gear up for new apparatus ahead and talk through the process and timeline for ordering everything from front line units to specialty apparatus and potentially electric vehicles in between.

  • Episode 3: Debunking the VO2Max Test with Wellness

    July 5th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  43 mins 53 secs

    Join members of the South Metro Wellness Team, including Chris Macklin, Chris Sheckler, Eddie Yoon and Tommy Gayfield, as they candidly talk through questions, concerns and hesitations out on the line about the VO2Max (MET) Test. Learn how you can best prepare, approach and pass this annual fitness test. The group also provides background on the start of the SMFR Wellness Program, how it has evolved over time and explains the ways the Wellness Team is encouraging South Metro employees to create resilient and robust lifestyles to achieve overall health & wellness.

  • Episode 2: Visions & Goals - Employee Services and Human Resources

    June 22nd, 2022  |  Season 1  |  35 mins 23 secs

    Episode two features Chief Tobias Kirschke, Assistant Chief of Employee Services, and Human Resources Director Camie Chapman. Chief Kirschke starts the episode by discussing his journey over the last year in his role overseeing the Employee Services Division. He shares his vision, hiring decisions along the way and how the Wellness and Professional Development teams are shaping opportunities and goals for the future of the organization. In this episode, you will also get to know Camie Chapman as she is coming up on a year in her role as HR Director. Camie shares her career background having worked for the cities of Littleton and Greenwood Village prior to starting at SMFR. Camie also provides her vision for HR along with announcements from the division and updates on recruitment efforts, changes to benefits, retirement, disability and FPPA policies.

  • Episode 1: Introduction to SMFR Podcast with Chief Baker

    May 5th, 2022  |  Season 1  |  40 mins 23 secs

    In Episode 1 of the SMFR Podcast, Chief Baker sits down and talks through his vision and the strategies he is currently focusing on for the department. More specifically, this includes defining South Metro's culture, providing an update on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts/survey results and determining how we can best listen to and support the needs of our employee base. Chief Baker also reflects back on the past two years and discusses the impacts of COVID to our employees and organization.